Master of Engineering Science
Mechanical and Materials Engineering
Dr. Kamran Siddiqui
Convection heat transfer through a pipe immersed in a stagnant fluid is used in various applications such as water heaters, chemical and food industry, etc. In this study, the effect of mixed convection on the flow and thermal structure of a fluid immersed inside a hotter, stagnant fluid was experimentally investigated. Temperature and velocity fields were obtained for a Reynolds number range of 330-6670, and a Grashof number range of 14000-95000 (0.6 < Gr/Re2 < 0.0003). It was found that the buoyancy-induced wall-normal velocity component altered the streamwise velocity structure and the temperature profiles. The mean streamwise velocity profile was skewed towards the bottom of the pipe for initially laminar flow only. A vertical temperature gradient was also observed in the internal fluid under these conditions, where the hotter fluid resided in the top region of the pipe. The Nusselt number was found to moderately follow the predictive Gnielinski correlation, with an additional dependence on the bottom wall temperature. This showed that an increase in the Grashof number tended to dampen the turbulent convective heat transfer. The influence of natural convection on the mean and turbulent velocity profiles was found to be almost negligible in the high Reynolds number range.
Recommended Citation
Steen, Ben S., "Investigation of flow and thermal behaviour in a pipe submerged in a hot fluid" (2015). Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Repository. 3246.