"Ultrasound Guided Motor Sparing Knee Blocks for Postoperative Analgesi" by Olawale A. Sogbein
Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Repository


Master of Science




Dr. Dianne Bryant


Postoperative total knee arthroplasty (TKA) pain is severe and can inhibit patients’ rehabilitation. We devised a single injection motor sparing knee block (MSB) by targeting the adductor canal and lateral femoral cutaneous nerve with a posterior knee infiltration under ultrasound. Our primary objective was to evaluate the duration of the MSB compared to a standard periarticular infiltration (PAI) using time to first rescue analgesia as the end point. We randomized 82 patients undergoing TKA to receive either preoperative MSB or intraoperative periarticular infiltration. Duration of analgesia was significantly longer in the MSB group with a mean difference of 8.8 hours. No significant differences were found in quadriceps strength, functional outcomes, side effects, satisfaction, or length of stay between groups. The MSB provided longer analgesia than the PAI while not negatively affecting quadriceps strength, length of stay, or functional rehabilitation.

Olawale Sogbein Master's Thesis Supervisor Approval.pdf (715 kB)
Master's Supervisor Approval

Olawale Sogbein (250457320)-Certificate of Examination.pdf (333 kB)
Certificate of Examination
