Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Repository


Master of Science




Joan Finegan


Existing research on resume fraud highlights the commonality and consequences of resume misrepresentations, yet almost no research exists aiming to explain the occurrence of this intentional behaviour. The goal of this study was to explore the relationships between personality traits previously linked to deception (conscientiousness and honesty/humility), resume misrepresentations and acceptance of these misrepresentations. An online survey method of data collection was used during which participants constructed a resume and filled out various measures pertaining to individual difference and resume misrepresentation. The results of this study provide an initial understanding of the existing categories of resume misrepresentations and the extent to which participants misrepresent. Findings indicate interconnected relationships between acceptability of resume misrepresentations, actual resume misrepresentations, conscientiousness and honesty/humility. Potential implications of findings and study limitations are discussed.
