Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Repository


Master of Arts


Visual Arts


Dr. Bridget Elliott


This project investigates homonationalism through three different art practices. Briefly, homonationalism is a term to articulate the imbricated systems of contemporary mainstream LGBT politics and nationalist politics. The first article, Queering the Canon: Museum Politics and Hide/Seek at the Smithsonian, unpacks the first major exhibition of gay artwork in America as an example of homonationalist processes in the United States. The second article, entitled Colonial Queeries: Centering a Two-Spirit Critique of Homonationalism, analyses Canadian artist Kent Monkman’s paintings and focuses on the political potential of Miss Chief Eagle Testickle. (Pink)Washing the Conflict in Zero Degrees of Separation is the third article that looks at Elle Flanders’s critique of Israeli homonationalism through her 2005 documentary film.
