Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Repository

Thesis Format

Integrated Article


Doctor of Philosophy


Civil and Environmental Engineering


Bitsuamlak, Girma


In austere environments like northern regions, remote communities confront myriad challenges, including permafrost warming and a substantial infrastructure deficit. This dissertation embarks on a comprehensive exploration aimed at enhancing the sustainability and resilience of buildings in the northern climate. The first study introduces an innovative framework integrating Building Information Modelling, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), and heat transfer analysis. This framework quantifies the effects of infrastructure development on permafrost ground, revealing that building characteristics such as clearance height, soil properties, and thermal conductivity significantly influence the ground thermal regime. Recommendations include raising buildings by one meter to reduce thermal stresses on permafrost. The second study delves into the thermal performance objectives of elevated buildings in permafrost regions amid climate change. Ultra-high-resolution regional climate simulation-driven CFD models inform a detailed investigation, indicating that elevated buildings can disrupt permafrost’s thermal equilibrium, affecting ground temperature gradients and increasing air and ground temperatures. The study emphasizes the importance of exploring the neighborhood scale in building design and planning within permafrost regions. The third study assesses the thermal performance of buildings within permafrost regions using CFD convective heat transfer simulations integrated into Building Energy Simulation models. Results underscore the complexity of design considerations in northern climates, with a 26.74% difference in energy consumption between ground-level and elevated structures. The dissertation concludes by advocating for future research to optimize design solutions tailored to the unique challenges of buildings in permafrost regions.

Summary for Lay Audience

In the vast, challenging landscapes of northern regions, communities grapple with unique obstacles like permafrost warming and a lack of adequate infrastructure. This thesis delves into the complexities of constructing sustainable and resilient buildings in this demanding environment. Using advanced technologies like Building Information Modelling (BIM) and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), the research uncovers how infrastructure development affects the crucial permafrost ground. Recommendations include elevating buildings by one meter to reduce stress on the permafrost, offering practical insights for future constructions. As climate change poses additional threats, the study explores how elevated buildings can impact permafrost’s natural balance, emphasizing the need for thoughtful neighborhood-scale planning to navigate these challenges. Additionally, the research evaluates the thermal performance of buildings in permafrost regions, revealing the delicate balance needed in design solutions. Ultimately, this work aims to guide the development of resilient, energy-efficient, and environmentally conscious buildings tailored to the unique demands of northern climates, ensuring sustainable futures for these communities.

Available for download on Tuesday, December 30, 2025
