Epidemiology and Biostatistics Publications
Research in Epidemiology and Biostatistics Publications examines age, environment, chronic disease, social health determinants, maternal and child health, and mental health all in an effort to understand and improve the health of populations as a whole. These publications contain risk assessment and examinations of various health determinants to understand the health and circumstances of certain populations.
Visit the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics website for additional information.
Submissions from 2004
Neoadjuvant or Adjuvant Therapy for Resectable Esophageal Cancer: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis, Richard A. Malthaner, Rebecca K. S. Wong, R. Bryan Rumble, Lisa Zuraw, and Gastrointestinal Cancer Disease Site Group of Cancer Care Ontario's Program in Evidence-based Care
Waiver of Consent for Emergency Research, Andrew D. McRae and Charles Weijer
Prediction of Radiation Pneumonitis by Dose-volume Histogram Parameters in Lung Cancer--A Systematic Review, George Rodrigues, Michael Lock, David D'Souza, Edward Yu, and Jake Van Dyk
Measuring Sexual Orientation in Adolescent Health Surveys: Evaluation of Eight School-based Surveys, Elizabeth M. Saewyc, Greta R. Bauer, Carol L. Skay, Linda H. Bearinger, Michael D. Resnick, Elizabeth Reis, and Aileen Murphy
Impaired Diffusion Capacity Predicts for Decreased Treatment Tolerance and Survival in Limited Stage Small Cell Lung Cancer Patients Treated with Concurrent Chemoradiation, Gregory M. M. Videtic, Larry W. Stitt, Robert B. Ash, Pauline T. Truong, A. Rashid Dar, Edward W. Yu, and Frances Whiston
Heads or Tails: Randomized Placebo-Controlled Trials, Charles Weijer
The Ethical Analysis of Risk in Intensive Care Unit Research, Charles Weijer
The Quest for Legitimacy: Comment on Cox Macpherson's 'to Strengthen Consensus, Consult the Stakeholders', Charles Weijer
When Are Research Risks Reasonable in Relation to Anticipated Benefits?, Charles Weijer and Paul B. Miller
Protecting Communities in Pharmacogenetic and Pharmacogenomic Research, Charles Weijer and P. B. Miller
Is Extended Volume External Beam Radiation Therapy Covering the Anastomotic Site Beneficial in Post-esophagectomy High Risk Patients?, Edward Yu, Rashid Dar, George B. Rodrigues, Larry Stitt, Gregory M. M. Videtic, Pauline Truong, Anna Tomiak, Robert Ash, Ed Brecevic, Richard Inculet, Richard Malthaner, Mark Vincent, Ian Craig, Walter Kocha, and Michael Lefcoe
Submissions from 2003
Ethics, Antiretrovirals and Prevention Trials, Emily Bass
Zidovudine Resistance Phenotype and Risk of Perinatal HIV-1 Transmission in Zidovudine Monotherapy-Treated Mothers With Moderately Advanced Disease, Greta R. Bauer, Seth L. Welles, Robert R. Colgrove, Jane Pitt, and Women and Infants Transmission Study Team
Is the Use of Placebo Controls Ethically Permissible in Clinical Trials of Agents Intended to Reduce Fractures in Osteoporosis?, Baruch A. Brody, Nancy Dickey, Susan S. Ellenberg, Robert P. Heaney, Robert J. Levine, Richard L. O'Brien, Ruth B. Purtilo, and Charles Weijer
Offering to Return Results to Research Participants: Attitudes and Needs of Principal Investigators in the Children's Oncology Group, Conrad V. Fernandez, Eric Kodish, Susan Shurin, and Charles Weijer
Disclosure of the Right of Research Participants to Receive Research Results: An Analysis of Consent Forms in the Children's Oncology Group, Conrad V. Fernandez, Eric Kodish, Shaureen Taweel, Susan Shurin, and Charles Weijer
Importance of Informed Consent in Offering to Return Research Results to Research Participants, Conrad V. Fernandez, Eric Kodish, and Charles Weijer
Informing Study Participants of Research Results: An Ethical Imperative, Conrad V. Fernandez, Eric Kodish, and Charles Weijer
Ethical Issues in Palliative Care Research, Neil MacDonald and Charles Weijer
Rehabilitating Equipoise, Paul B. Miller and Charles Weijer
Will the Real Charles Fried Please Stand Up?, Paul B. Miller and Charles Weijer
Continued Cigarette Smoking by Patients Receiving Concurrent Chemoradiotherapy for Limited-Stage Small-Cell Lung Cancer Is Associated With Decreased Survival, Gregory M. M. Videtic, Larry W. Stitt, A. Rashid Dar, Walter I. Kocha, Anna T. Tomiak, Pauline T. Truong, Mark D. Vincent, and Edward W. Yu
Shifting from Hypofractionated to "Conventionally" Fractionated Thoracic Radiotherapy: A Single Institution's 10-year Experience in the Management of Limited-stage Small-cell Lung Cancer Using Concurrent Chemoradiation, Gregory M. M. Videtic, Pauline T. Truong, A. Rashid Dar, Edward W. Yu, and Larry W. Stitt
Community Consent for Genetic Research, Charles Weijer
Bioethics in Social Context, edited by Barry Hoffmaster, Charles Weijer