Electrical and Computer Engineering Publications

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Winter 2-1-2020







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Copyright © 2020, IEEE

This paper presents the design and validation of a lightweight Magneto-Rheological (MR) clutch, called Hybrid Magneto-Rheological (HMR) clutch. The clutch utilizes a hybrid magnetization using an electromagnetic coil and a permanent magnet. The electromagnetic coil can adjust the magnetic field
generated by the permanent magnet to a desired value, and fully control the transmitted torque. To achieve the maximum torque to mass ratio, the design of HMR clutch is formulated as a multiobjective optimization problem with three design objectives, namely the transmitted torque, the mass of the clutch, and the
magnetic field strength within the clutch pack. A prototype of the HMR clutch is fabricated and its dynamic performance is experimentally validated. Experimental results clearly demonstrate the advantages of the HMR clutch in applications requiring fast and precise motion and torque control.

This article presents the design and validation
5 of a lightweight magnetorheological (MR) clutch, called hy6
brid magnetorheological (HMR) clutch. The clutch utilizes
7 a hybrid magnetization using an electromagnetic coil and
8 a permanent magnet. The electromagnetic coil can adjust
9 the magnetic field generated by the permanent magnet to
10 a desired value and fully control the transmitted torque. To
11 achieve the maximum torque-to-mass ratio, the design of
12 the HMR clutch is formulated as a multiobjective optimiza13
tion problemwith three design objectives, namely the trans14
mitted torque, themass of the clutch, and themagnetic field
15 strength within the clutch pack. A prototype of the HMR
16 clutch is fabricated, and its dynamic performance is ex17
perimentally validated. Experimental results clearly demon18
strate the advantages of the HMR clutch in applications
19 requiring fast and precise motion and torque control.



NSPEC Accession Number: 19362806

Citation of this paper:

M. Moghani and M. R. Kermani, "A Lightweight Magnetorheological Actuator Using Hybrid Magnetization," in IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 76-83, Feb. 2020, doi: 10.1109/TMECH.2019.2951340.

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