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Software testing is a very expensive and time consuming process. It can account for up to 50% of the total cost of the software development. Distributed systems make software testing a daunting task. The research described in this paper investigates a novel multi-agent framework for testing 3-tier distributed systems. This paper describes the framework architecture as well as the communication mechanism among agents in the architecture. Web-based application is examined as a case study to validate the proposed framework. The framework is considered as a step forward to automate testing for distributed systems in order to enhance their reliability within an acceptable range of cost and time.

Citation of this paper:

@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/compsac/YamanyCC06, author = {Hany F. El Yamany and Miriam A. M. Capretz and Luiz Fernando Capretz}, title = {A Multi-Agent Framework for Testing Distributed Systems}, booktitle = {COMPSAC (2)}, year = {2006}, pages = {151-156}, ee = {http://doi.ieeecomputersociety.org/10.1109/COMPSAC.2006.98}, crossref = {DBLP:conf/compsac/2006}, bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de} }

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