Education Publications
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Book Review
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ZDM: The International Journal on Mathematics Education
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International perspectives on social justice in mathematics education (henceforth the monograph) is edited by Brarath Sriraman and comprises 14 essays about critical mathematics education. The foreword is by Ubiratan D’Ambrosio, whose work on ethnomathematics in particular and on democratic and critical mathematics education in general has re-conceptualized the mathematics education field. D’Ambrosio observes that ‘‘social justice allows us not only to know what has been decided about ourselves and society (which is the objective of ‘‘re-productory’’ and imitative education), but calls us to participate in decisions about ourselves and society (which is the objective of creative critical education)’’ (Foreword). D’Ambrosio considers this monograph to be an astonishing collection of scholarly articles from all over the world, offering perspectives of tremendous importance to mathematics educators with an interest in social justice. For this review, I read the monograph together with Michael Apple’s work on critical mathematics pedagogies.
Citation of this paper:
Namukasa, Immaculate. (2007). Bharath Sriraman (ed): International perspectives on social justice in mathematics education. The Montana Mathematics Enthusiast 2007 Monograph 1. ZDM: The International Journal on Mathematics Education, 39 (5): 555-559.