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Several nations have reformed both their mathematics pedagogy and curriculum. The remaining challenge is to review teaching and learning resources to support the renewed pedagogy and curriculum. This paper responds to the question: What pedagogy and curriculum are depicted in textbooks used in Uganda? Ugandan textbooks were analyzed in terms of mathematics content structure and genre, and presentation of written and non-written voice and looks. Whereas certain Ugandan mathematics textbooks used the narrative form and others chose to eliminate the use of extensive text, these textbooks include common characteristics such as spiral coverage of mathematics content. A few strides toward reform pedagogy, such as use of contexts familiar to learners in development of rules and concepts, were evinced among selected Uganda textbooks. More strides are needed in revising a majority textbooks to align with the renewed curricula on certain aspects including integrating learning tools—digital and non-digital—within the textbook resources. A critical reflection on curriculum renewals adopted from other countries is needed when designing textbooks to match these renewals.
Citation of this paper:
Namukasa, I. K. (2018). Renewing textbooks to align with reformed curriculum in former colonies: Ugandan school mathematics textbooks. ZDM, 1-12.