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The TESOL encyclopedia of English language teaching:Teaching speaking and pronunciation in TESOL
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English users speak many different mother tongues (L1s) and a variety of “Englishes.” They use English for different (cross-cultural and/or international) communicative purposes, depending on their contexts, needs, and their own unique “plurilingual” backgrounds (discussed in Part III). In many of today’s globalized societies, mobility and change are key features. Language planners, multi-national stakeholders, and transnational individuals affected by mobility and change view English as crucial to their interests, and frequently claim it as their own. English also has imperial and (post-) colonial legacies; hence, many localized forms of English have been developed and are used internationally, making English a context-specific, dynamic, international language. The term English as an international language (EIL) describes both the language (English/es), and its linguistic function in international contexts.
Citation of this paper:
Faez, F., & Taylor, S. K. (2017). Language planning in teaching English as an international language. In John I. Liontas, Editor in Chief (Project Editor: Margo DelliCarpini; Vol. Ed.: Shahid Abrar-ul-Hassan), The TESOL encyclopedia of English language teaching: Teaching speaking and pronunciation in TESOL (pp. 1-13). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.