Education Publications
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Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics
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This article proposes a research agenda for future inquiry into the use of the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) in the plurilingual Canadian context. Drawing on data collected from a research forum hosted by the Canadian Association of Second Language Teachers in 2014, as well as a detailed analysis of Canadian empirical studies and practice-based projects to date, the authors examine three areas of emphasis related to CEFR use: (a) K-12 education, including uses with learners; (b) initial teacher education, where additional language teacher candidates are situated as both learners and future teachers; and (c) postsecondary language learning contexts. Future research directions are proposed in consideration of how policymaking, language teaching and language learning are articulated across each of these three contexts. To conclude, a call is made for ongoing conversations encouraging stakeholders to consider how they might take up pan-Canadian interests when introducing various aspects of the CEFR and its related tools.
Citation of this paper:
Arnott, S., Brogden, L. M., Faez, F., Peguret, M., Piccardo, E., Rehner, K., Taylor, S. K., & Wernicke, M. (2017). Implementing the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages in Canada: A research agenda. Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 20(1), 31-54.
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