Education Publications
The Changing Nature of Vice-Principals' Work: Final Report
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Ontario Principals' Council
This study examined the changing nature of vice-principals’ work in Ontario public schools. After the publication of the Principals’ Survey in 2013, nearly 400 vice-principals inquired about participating in a similar study; the present study was designed in response. We sought to develop a more comprehensive understanding of vice-principals’ work in changing times. This included determining the types of duties, activities, and practices vice-principals engage in on a daily basis, as well as the challenges and possibilities they face in their current work.
Citation of this paper:
The changing nature of vice principals’ work. Final report for the Ontario Principals’ Council.
Pollock, K., & Wang, F., & Hauseman, D. C. (2017, June). The changing nature of vice principals’ work. Final report for the Ontario Principals’ Council. (54 pp.). Toronto, ON: Ontario Principals’ Council.