Education Publications
Document Type
Book Chapter
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Language Learning Beyond the Classroom
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Television is a source of information and entertainment, and for many people it is an integral part of daily life. A survey of the average household television viewing time in 13 countries revealed that television was watched from 2.43 hours per day in Sweden to 8.18 hours per day in the United States (OECD, 2007). In fact, television might be the greatest source of first language input. Canadians and Americans watch television five times more than they read (Statistics Canada, 1998, United States Department of Labor, 2006).
Citation of this paper:
Webb, S. (2015). Extensive viewing: language learning through watching television. In D. Nunan & J.C. Richards (Eds.) Language Learning Beyond the Classroom (pp. 159-168). New York: Routledge.