Centre for the Study of International Economic Relations Working Papers
Submissions from 1993
International Cooperation on Trade and Environmental Policy: Cross-Border Externalities with Asymmetric Information, Rodney D. Ludema and Ian Wooton
Submissions from 1989
International Financial Intermediation and Aggregate Fluctuations under Alternative Exchange Rate Regimes, Jeremy Greenwood and Stephen D. Williamson
An Empirical Database for a General Equilibrium Model of the European Communities, Glenn W. Harrison, Thomas F. Rutherford, and Ian Wooton
The Common Agricultural Policy of the European Communities, Glenn W. Harrison, Thomas F. Rutherford, and Ian Wooton
What Remains of the Case for Flexible Exchange Rates?, David Laidler
Regularly Flexible Functional Forms for Applied General Equilibrium Analysis, Carlo Perroni and Thomas F. Rutherford
Unravelling the Threads of the MFA, Irene Trela and John Whalley
Submissions from 1988
Recent Developments in South-South Trade, Manmohan Agarwal
Foreign Trade and Income Distribution: The Case of Malaysia, Kul B. Bhatia
The Free Trade Agreement: Reflections of a Market Nationalist, Thomas J. Courchene
Investment, Capacity Utilization and the Real Business Cycle, Jeremy Greenwood, Zvi Hercowitz, and Gregory W. Huffman
The Welfare Effects of Customs Union Accession, Glenn W. Harrison, Thomas F. Rutherford, and Ian Wooton
The Canada-US Free Trade Agreement: Reactions and Evaluations, B. B. Kymlicka, John Whalley, and Ronald J. Wonnacott
Monetarism, Microfoundations, and the Theory of Monetary Policy, David Laidler
National Product Functions in Comparative Steady-State Analysis, Richard Manning and James R. Markusen
Do Developing Countries Lose from the MFA?, Irene Trela and John Whalley
Endogenous Participation in Agricultural Support Programs and Ad Valorem Equivalent Modeling, John Whalley and Randall M. Wigle
Submissions from 1987
Policy-Induced Inflows of Foreign Capital in the Presence of Rigid-Wage Unemployment, Richard A. Brecher
Negotiated Trade Restrictions with Private Political Pressure, Robert C. Feenstra and Tracy R. Lewis
On Modelling the Natural Rate of Unemployment with Indivisible Labor, Jeremy Greenwood and Gregory W. Huffman
How Robust Is Applied General Equilibrium Analysis?, Glenn W. Harrison, Richard Jones, Larry J. Kimbell, and Randall Wigle
Trade Wars and Trade Negotiations: A Computational Approach, Glenn W. Harrison and E. E. Rutstrom
Regional Balance Sheets of Gains and Losses from National Policies, Rich Jones and John Whalley
Optimal Tariff Equilibria with Customs Unions, John Kennan and Raymond Riezman
Intra-Firm Service Trade by the Multinational Enterprise, James R. Markusen
Production, Trade and Migration with Differentiated, Skilled Workers, James R. Markusen
Trade in Producer Services and in Other Specialized Intermediate Inputs, James R. Markusen
Incentive Effects of Price Rises and Payment-System Changes on Chinese Agricultural Productivity Growth, John McMillan, John Whalley, and Zhu Li Jing
Tariffs, Quotas and Voluntary Export Restraints with and without Internationally Mobile Capital, Peter Neary
Monetary Policy and Aggregate Fluctuations, Michael Parkin
Trade in the Presence of Endogenous Intermediation in an Asymmetric World, Cillian Ryan
Two-Country Trade Liberalization in an Address Model of Product Differentiation, Nicolas Schmitt
Legal Restrictions, “Sunspots”, and Cycles, Bruce D. Smith
Money and Inflation in the American Colonies: Further Evidence on the Failure of the Quantity Theory, Bruce D. Smith
Unilateral Free Trade vs. a Custom’s Union: The Further Search for a General Principle, Paul Wonnacott and Ronald J. Wonnacott
Capital, Skills, and International Trade, Ian Wooton
Submissions from 1986
Short Run and Long Run in the Theory of Tax Incidence, Kul B. Bhatia
The Relative Welfare Cost of Industrial and Agricultural Protection Policies Using Philippine Data, Ramon L. Clarete and James A. Roumasset
Comparing the Marginal Welfare Costs of Commodity and Trade Taxes, Ramon L. Clarete and John Whalley
Equilibrium in the Presence of Foreign Exchange Premia, Ramon Clarete and John Whalley
Why Do Governments Prefer Nontariff Barriers?, Alan V. Deardorff
Import Quotas and VERs: A Comparative Analysis in a Three-Country Framework, Elias Dinopoulos and Mordechai E. Kreinin
International Trade and the Acquisition of Skills, Elias Dinopoulos and Ian Wooton
Rural Labour Markets, Transaction Cost and Fertility, Robert E. Evenson and Cayetano Paderanga
Inside Money, Output, and Causality, Scott Freeman and Gregory W. Huffman
Fiscal Deficits, International Trade and Welfare, Joel Fried and Peter Howitt
Externalities and Asymmetric Information, Jeremy Greenwood and R. Preston McAfee
Counterfeit-product Trade, Gene M. Grossman and Carl Shapiro
Dealing with the North: Developing Countries and Global Trade Negotiations, Colleen Hamilton and John Whalley
Licensing versus Direct Investment: A Model of Internalization by the Multinational Enterprise, Ignatius Horstmann and James R. Markusen
Per-Capita Income as a Determinant of Trade, Linda Hunter and James R. Markusen
A Canadian Regional General Equilibrium Model and Some Applications, Rich Jones and John Whalley
Regional Effects of Taxes in Canada: An Applied General Equilibrium Approach, Rich Jones and John Whalley
The Design of Contracts: Evidence from Japanese Subcontracting, Seiichi Kawasaki and John McMillan
Trade Policy with Increasing Returns and Imperfect Competition: Contradictory Results from Competing Assumptions, James R. Markusen and Anthony J. Venables
General Equilibrium World Trade under Bilateral Quotas, Trien Tien Nguyen and John Whalley
Domestic Monetary Institutions and Fiscal Deficits, Michael Parkin
Sectoral Issues in a U.S. - Canadian Trade Agreement: Agriculture, Andrew Schmitz and Colin Carter
Some Estimates of Trade Flows in Banking Services, France St-Hilaire and John Whalley
Bilateral Trade Flows, the Linder Hypothesis, and Exchange Risk, Jerry G. Thursby and Marie C. Thursby
International Trade in Agriculture: Domestic Policies, Trade Conflicts, and Negotiating Options, Irene Trela, John Whalley, and Randall Wigle
What Have We Learned from General Equilibrium Tax Policy Models?, John Whalley
Canadian Trade Liberalization: Scale Economies in a Global Context, Randy Wigle
Laissez Faire Banking and Circulating Media of Exchange, Stephen D. Williamson
Liquidity, Banking, and Bank Failures, Stephen D. Williamson
Towards a Common Market: Factor Mobility in a Customs Union, Ian Wooton
Submissions from 1985
Interactions between the Trade Policies and Domestic Distortions: The Philippine Case, Ramon L. Clarete and John Whalley
Comparing Income Distributions under Aversion to Downside Inequality, James B. Davies and Michael Hoy
The Effects of an Innovation: A Trade Theory Approach, W. Erwin Diewert
Inside the Black Box: (In)Tangible Assets, Intra-Industry Investment and Trade, Elias Dinopoulos
A North-South Model of International Justice, Elias Dinopoulos and Ian Wooton
Foreign Direct Investment and the Multinational Firm, Wilfred J. Ethier
Inside Money, Monetary Contractions, and Welfare, Scott Freeman
Monetary Mystique: Secrecy and Central Banking, Marvin Goodfriend
A Dynamic Equilibrium Model of Inflation and Unemployment, Jeremy Greenwood and Gregory W. Huffman
Foreign Exchange Controls in a Black Market Economy, Jeremy Greenwood and Kent P. Kimbrough
Testing Interest Rate Parity and Rational Expectations for Canada and the United States, Allan W. Gregory
Estimating the Continuous Time Consumption Based Asset Pricing Model, Sanford J. Grossman, Angelo Melino, and Robert J. Shiller
Applied General Equilibrium Analysis and Perspectives on Growth Performance, Bob Hamilton, Sharif Mohammad, and John Whalley
An Investigation of the Labor Market Earnings of Panamanian Males: Evaluating Sources of Inequality, James J. Heckman and V. Joseph Hotz
The Real Interest Rate and Aggregate Supply, Zvi Hercowitz
Up Your Average Cost Curve: Inefficient Entry and the New Protectionism, Ignatius Horstmann and James R. Markusen
A Dynamic Equilibrium Model of Asset Prices and Transaction Volume, Gregory W. Huffman
An Alternative View of Optimal Seigniorage, Gregory W. Huffman
Asset Pricing with Heterogeneous Agents, Gregory W. Huffman
The Lagged Effects of Policy on the Price Level, Gregory W. Huffman
Regional Impacts of Tariffs in Canada: Preliminary Results from a Small Dimensional Numerical General Equilibrium Model, Richard Jones, John Whalley, and Randall Mark Wigle
International Factor Movements in the Presence of a Fixed Factor, Peter Kuhn and Ian Wooton
Fiscal Deficits and International Monetary Institutions, David Laidler
On Consequences and Criticisms of Monetary Targeting, Bennett T. McCallum
The General Non-Equivalence of Tariffs and Import Quotas, James R. Melvin
Coexistence of Equilibria on Black and White Markets, Trien Tien Nguyen and John Whalley
General Equilibrium Analysis of Price Controls: A Two-Sector Computational Approach, Trien Tien Nguyen and John Whalley
A Positive View of Infant Industries, Cayetano Paderanga and Ian Wooton
Tax Effects and Transaction Costs for Short Term Market Discount Bonds, Paul M. Romer
Some Colonial Evidence on Two Theories of Money: Maryland and the Carolinas, Bruce Smith
A Microconsistent Data Set for Canada for Use in Regional General Equilibrium Policy Analysis, France St-Hilaire and John Whalley
Futures Markets, Real Income, and Spot Price Variability: A General Equilibrium Approach, Paul Weller and Makoto Yano
Hidden Challenges in Recent Applied General Equilibrium Exercises, John Whalley
Operationalizing Walras: Experience with Recent Applied General Equilibrium Tax Models, John Whalley