Centre for the Economic Analysis of Property Rights. Economics and Law Workshop Papers
Submissions from 1985
The Economic and Political Foundations of Tax Structure, Walter Hettich and Stanley Winer
Public Choice and Law in Policy Formation -- The Political Economy of British Labor Law, C. K. Rowley
Public and Private Bureaucracies, Ronald Wintrobe
Submissions from 1984
The NEP, FIRA, and the International Politico-Legal Process: Why Are All Those Nice People Mad at Canada and Do They Have a Reason?, D. J. Albrecht
Deterrence in Tort and No-Fault: The New Zealand Experience, Craig Brown
Diffusion of Knowledge-Based Products: Applications to Developing Economies, M. L. Burstein
On the Economics of Regulated Early Closing Hours, J. Stephen Ferris
Exclusive Organziations, Henry Hansmann
Monopoly Behaviour, Decentralized Regulation, and Contestable Markets: An Experimental Evaluation, Glenn W. Harrison and Michael McKee
Adversarial Decision Making, Richard S. Higgins and Paul H. Rubin
Efficient Markets and Insider Trading, Henry G. Manne
Submissions from 1983
Information, Uncertainty, and the Transfer of Property, Douglas Baird and Thomas Jackson
The Validity of Profits-Structure Studies with Particular Reference to the FTC's Line of Business Data, George J. Benston
Scale Economics in Advertising, Kenneth D. Boyer and Kent M. Lancaster
The Economics of Intellectual Property, Centre for Economic Analysis of Property Rights
The Optimal Length of a Patent with Variable Output Elasticity and Returns to Scale in Research and Development, M. H. I. Dore, Joseph Kushner, and I. Masse
Long-Term Contracts for Petroleum Coke, Victor P. Goldberg and John E. Erickson
Experimental Tests of the Coase Theorem with Large Bargaining Groups, Elizabeth Hoffman and Matthew L. Spitzer
Tenure Security among Urban Squatter Households in Developing Countries, Emmanuel Jimenez
Diversification Strategy and Performance, Donald J. Lecraw
Assessing the Relative Impacts of Economic Journals, Stan J. Liebowitz and John P. Palmer
The Ontario Human Rights Code - An Economic Perspective, Jeff MacIntosh
Patents, Licensing, and Restrictions on Competition, John P. Palmer
Communal Property Rights: The Papua New Guinean Experience, Michael Trebilcock
Rationing and Deterrence: General Theory and the Example of New Zealand's "Careless Days" Scheme, David Walker and Richard Manning
Incentive Effects of Workers' Compensation, Deborah A. Welland
Submissions from 1982
The Firm: A Coordinator of Contracts, Yoram Barzel
Derivative Works in Canadian Copyright Law, William J. Braithwaite
Why Do Nations Engage in Wars?, Reuven Brenner
Product Liability Reform in the United States: An Economist's View of the Kasten Bill, John Prather Brown
Prices, Product Qualities and Asymmetric Information, Russell Cooper and Thomas Ross
Restrictive Covenants in the Sale of a Business, Ken Engelhart, Ian Ness, and Michael Trebilcock
Trading Stamps, S & H, and the FTC's Unfairness Doctrine, Ernest Gellhorn
A Costing Model for Canadian Airlines, David Gillen
Hadley v. Baxendale Revisited: An Austrian Property Rights-Public Choice Approach, Janet T. Landa
An Economic Theory of Vertical Restraints, G. Frank Mathewson and Ralph A. Winter
The Social Cost of Adoption Agencies, John P. Palmer
Products Liability, Consumer Misperceptions, and Market Power, A. Mitchell Polinsky and William P. Rogerson
The Selection of Disputes for Litigation, George L. Priest and Benjamin Klein
Arm-Breaking Consumer Credit and Personal Bankruptcy, Samuel A. Rea
The Future of Economics in Legal Education, Warren F. Schwartz
Toward a Positive Theory of Bribery: Competition, Collusion and Culture, Warren F. Schwartz
The Market for Lawyers in Ontario 1931 to 1981, and Beyond, David Stager
The Most Durable Self-Enforcing Agreement, Lester G. Telser
Tradition as Social Capital, Basil Zafiriou
Submissions from 1981
Tax Specification and Tax Limitation, James M. Buchanan and Geoffrey Brennan
Deterrence and Incapacitation, Robert Cooter
Barriers to Entry, Harold Demsetz
Discrimination and Risk-Rated Insurance, Michael Hoy
An Examination of the Relative Efficiency of Public and Private Television Broadcasting in Canada, Stanley J. Liebowitz
Doctors' Incentives regarding Length of Stay - An Extension and Test of the Pauly-Redisch Hypothesis, Stephen E. Margolis
An Economic Definition in Predatory Product Innovation, Janusz A. Ordover and Robert D. Willig