Submissions from 2017
Student Recital Christina Bernardoni (mezzo-soprano)
Student Recital Annie Bird (soprano), Debbie Grigg (piano)
Student Recital David Boan (tenor), Melanie Cancade (piano)
Student Recital Patrick Bowman (voice), Brian Cho (piano)
Student Recital Stéphanie Brassard (soprano), Marianna Chibotar (piano)
Student Recital: "K. Stetsenko's Art Songs: Ukrainian Lyric Diction Guide" Olena Bratishko (director)
Student Recital Bailey Cameron (voice), Olena Bratishko (piano)
Student Recital Meghan Chevalier (voice), Debbie Grigg (piano)
Student Recital Jillian Clarke (voice), Melanie Cancade (piano)
Student Recital Parker Clements (baritone), Simone Luti (piano)
Student Recital Kaitlyn Clifford (voice), Simone Luti (piano)
Student Recital Jordan DeSousa (voice), Brian Cho (piano)
Student Recital Lindsey Drakos (soprano), Marianna Chibotar-Rutkevich (piano)
Student Recital Laura Duffy (soprano), Samantha Lee (piano)
Student Recital Laura Duffy (voice), Samantha Lee (piano)
Student Recital Natalie Fasheh (voice), Stephanie Gouin (piano)
Student Recital Tamara Filipovic (voice), Eric Charbonneau (piano)
Student Recital Katherine Flynn (voice), Marianna Chibotar (piano)
Student Recital Gabrielle French (voice), Paul Digout (piano)
Student Recital Melina Garcia Zambrano (soprano), Sarah Bowker (piano)
Student Recital Alina Gavrilenko (soprano), Eric Charbonneau (piano)
Student Recital Angela Gibbon (voice), Samantha Lee (piano)
Student Recital Isabella Giuliano (voice), Paul Digout (piano)
Student Recital Meghan Goguen (voice), Paul Digout (piano)
Student Recital Lauren Halász (voice), Charmaine Fopoussi (piano)
Student Recital Caelyn Hill (voice), Marianna Chibotar-Rutkevich
Student Recital Jocelyn Hoevenaars (voice), Raymond Truong (piano)
Student Recital Victoria Hoshowsky (voice), Simone Luti (piano)
Student Recital Bethany Hynes (voice)
Student Recital Julia Jeesoo Kim (voice), Simone Luti (piano)
Student Recital Nicola Klein (voice), Paul Digout (piano)
Student Recital Minyoung Kwon (voice), Samantha Lee (piano)
Student Recital Sarah La Bine (voice), Paul Digout (piano)
Student Recital Madeleine Lake (voice), Charmaine Fopoussi (piano)
Student Recital Euine Lee (voice), Sarah Bowker (piano)
Student Recital: "Life and Music Interrupted" Mei Lee (soprano), Simone Luti (piano)
Student Recital Elizabeth Lepock (soprano), Simone Luti (piano)
Student Recital Chad Louwerse (bass-baritone), Melanie Cancade (piano)
Student Recital Chad Louwerse (bass-baritone), Melanie Cancade (piano)
Student Recital Chad Louwerse (bass-baritone), Melanie Cancade (piano)
Student Recital Anna Macdonald (soprano), Simone Luti (piano)
Student Recital Margaret Martin (voice), Eric Charbonneau (piano)
Student Recital Alex Mathews (voice), Marianna Chibotar-Rutkevich (piano)
Student Recital Clint McLachlan (voice), Melanie Cancade (piano)
Student Recital Ariane Meredith (mezzo-soprano), Olena Bratishko (piano)
Student Recital Natalie Mitchell (voice), Marianna Chibotar-Rutkevich (piano)
Student Recital Jocelyn Molnar (soprano), Marianna Chibotar-Rutkevich (piano)
Student Recital Olivia Morton (voice), Stéphanie Gouin (piano)
Student Recital Ryan Nauta (voice), Marianna Chibotar (piano)
Student Recital Aliah Nelson (voice), Melanie Cancade (piano)
Student Recital Grayson Nesbitt (voice), Melanie Cancade (piano)
Student Recital Robert Popoli (voice), Melanie Cancade (piano)
Student Recital Jessica Richardson-Tweddle (voice), Charmaine Fopoussi (piano)
Student Recital Clarke Ruth (voice), Melanie Cancade (piano)
Student Recital Stephanie Sedlbauer (voice), Debbie Grigg (piano)
Student Recital Sharang Sharma (voice), Stéphanie Gouin (piano)
Student Recital Leyanna Slous (voice), Charmain Fopoussi (piano)
Student Recital James Smith (tenor), Melanie Cancade (piano)
Student Recital Monica Sowinski (soprano), Marianna Chibotar-Rutkevich (piano)
Student Recital Carmen Specht (voice), Simone Luti (piano)
Student Recital Nicole Stocks (mezzo-soprano), Paul Digout (piano)
Student Recital Olwyn Supeene (mezzo-soprano), Janelle Scharringa (piano)
Fridays @ 12:30 Series Krisztina Szabó (mezzo soprano), John Hess (piano)
Student Recital Ardavan Taraporewala (voice), Brian Cho (piano)
Student Recital Hillary Tufford (voice), Charmaine Fopoussi (piano)
Student Recital Marcel van Helden (voice), Marianna Chibotar-Rutkevich (piano)
Student Recital Jade Vaughan (mezzo-soprano), Sarah Bowker (piano)
Student Recital Abigail Veenstra (voice), Stéphanie Gouin (piano)
Student Recital Emily Villanueva (voice), Marianna Chibotar (piano)
Student Recital Fiona Wahl (voice), Paul Digout (piano)
Student Recital Allison Walmsley (soprano), Olena Bratishko (piano)
Student Recital Amanda Weatherall (voice), Janelle Scharringa (piano)
Student Recital Maryna Williamson (voice), Simone Luti (piano)
Student Recital Brittany Wilson (mezzo-soprano), Samantha Lee (piano)
Student Recital Elizabeth Zuwala (voice), Simone Luti (piano)
Submissions from 2016
Student Recital David Boan (tenor), Eric Charbonneau (piano)
Fridays @ 12:30 Series: "An Evening with Rosie, Judy, and Peggy" Adi Braun (vocalist), Adrean Farrugia (piano)
Student Recital Meghan Chevalier (voice), Debbie Grigg (piano)
Student Recital Jillian Clarke (voice), Melanie Cancade (piano)
Student Recital Kaitlyn Clifford (voice), Simone Luti (piano)
Student Recital Jennifer Cyr (soprano), Simone Luti (piano)
Student Recital Laura Duffy (voice), Sarah Bowker (piano)
Student Recital Melina Garcia (voice), Bryce Lansdell (piano)
Student Recital Adam Iannetta (voice), Melanie Cancade (piano)
Student Recital Mei Lee (soprano), Sarah Bowker (piano)
Student Recital Jonathan Mayorov (voice), Simone Luti (piano)
Student Recital Ariane Meredith (voice), Olena Bratishko (piano)
Fridays @ 12:30 Series: "The Season Opens" Nathalie Paulin (soprano), Anita Krause Wiebe (mezzo-soprano), John Hess (piano)
Student Recital Andrew Rethazi (baritone), Judith McCrea (piano)
Student Recital Nicole Stocks (mezzo-soprano), Paul Digout (piano)
Student Recital Olwyn Supeene (mezzo-soprano), Janelle Scharringa (piano)
Student Recital Paula Thomas (voice), Marianna Chibotar-Rutkevich (piano)