"Preceptor Experiences of Nursing Faculty Liaison Support" by Janice A. Macintosh

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Nursing




Dr. Mary-Anne Andrusyszyn

Second Advisor

Dr. Dolly Goldenberg


The purpose of this phenomenological qualitative study was to gain an understanding of nursing preceptors’ experiences of support received from faculty liaisons during the senior student integrative practicum. In-depth, semi-structured interviews were conducted with a purposeful sample of preceptors (n=6) from four Southwestern Ontario hospitals. Two themes emerged: challenges of the preceptor role necessitating the need for faculty liaison support; and, seeing the faculty liaison role as a valuable source of support for preceptors. It is recommended that preceptors attend educational preparation for their role. Furthermore, nurse educators need to be aware of the need for ongoing faculty liaison support for preceptors during the senior integrative practicum period whether or not the experience encounters challenges. Future research is suggested to explore the relationship between preceptor needs and faculty liaison support if this method of clinical education is to be meaningful and effective.



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