Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Health and Rehabilitation Sciences


Dr. Meizi He

Second Advisor

Dr. Stewart Harris

Third Advisor

Dr. Jen Irwin


The Pause-2-Play primary obesity prevention program was pilot tested in London, Ontario to determine the feasibility and effectiveness of providing the program to a sample of elementary school students in grades five and six. Pause-2-Play was a 12-week intervention program consisting of an in-class curriculum, and an after-school program aimed at increasing physical activity and reducing screen time. The implementation process and outcomes were evaluated using a pre- and post- design. School staff, participants, and parents of participants reported enjoying the program, and that children benefited from participation. Participation in Pause-2-Play resulted in significant improvements in percent body fat (p<0.05), fat-free mass index (p<0.05) and fitness (p<0.05). This program can be feasibly provided to school-aged children, resulting in improved health outcomes. Pause-2-Play could be used as a primary prevention tool against childhood obesity. Successful implementation holds the potential to help alleviate the burdens of childhood and adulthood obesity.



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