Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Education




Dr. Jason Brown

Second Advisor

Dr. Alan Leschied


The purpose of the study was to identify strengths and needs of Aboriginal foster parents. A total of 83 Aboriginal foster parents participated in over the phone interviews that included two questions: “What are the main strengths you have as a foster parent?” and “What supports would be helpful to you?”. Responses to the questions were sorted by the participants and the sorted data were analyzed using multidimentional scaling and cluster analysis. Four clusters emerged from the responses to the question about strengths including: 1) awareness, abilities, and skills, 2) cultural experience, 3) personal qualities, and 4) integrating child into the family. Five clusters emerged from the responses to the question about needs: 1) foster care system supports, 2) specialists, 3) education through sharing, 4) cultural and community supports, and 5) recreational resource support. The clusters were compared and contrasted with the available literature.



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