Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Epidemiology and Biostatistics


Dr. Kathy Speechley

Second Advisor

Dr. Gary Joubert

Third Advisor

Dr. Amardeep Thind


Objective: To estimate the proportion of seizure presentations to London EDs that could be classified as “potentially deferrable” (PD), defined as cases that ωuld be more appropriately cared for in a non-ED setting. To compare non-deferrable patients with PD patients in terms of age, sex, seizure presentation characteristics, history of seizures and health care resource use. Methods: Chart review conducted of patients identified with a seizure that reported to any of the 3 ED sites in London in 2005. Criteria were developed a priori to classify visits as non-deferrable or PD. Epidemiological model building was used to determine explanatory factors for visit deferability. Results: 830 patients presented to an ED, with a total of 1200 visits, 37% were PD. Age, triage code, use of hospital resources, length of stay, witnessed seizures, history of seizures and seizure medications were significantly associated with deferability. Conclusion: One-third of visits were PD, presenting an opportunity for educational intervention.



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