Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Physical Therapy


Dr. Pamela Houghton

Second Advisor

Dr. Trevor Birmingham

Third Advisor

Lorie Forwell


This study had three objectives 1) to determine the test-retest reliability of tape measure and calipers as measurement tools for the position of the scapula, 2) to examine the concurrent validity of measurements obtained for scapula position using tape measure, calipers and three dimensional motion analysis and 3) to determine if differences in scapula position are detectable between healthy volunteers and those with shoulder pathology. The scapula position was measured at rest and in maximum elevation in 20 healthy volunteers and 20 subjects with shoulder pathology. Measurements were taken bilaterally for each subject with tape measure, calipers and three dimensional motion analysis. Statistical analysis found good test retest reliability for the use of tape measure and calipers as a measure of scapula position. ICC’s indicated poor agreement between the tape measure and calipers, tape measure and three dimensional motion analysis, and calipers and three dimensional motion analysis, while Pearson r values indicated a strong positive correlation between the three measurement tools. T tests indicated that there is no statistically significant difference between scapula position within subjects. However there appears to be significant differences when comparing the scapula between healthy volunteers and subjects with shoulder pathology.



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