Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Health and Rehabilitation Sciences


Dr. Denise Connelly

Second Advisor

Dr. Monica Maly


The purpose of this study was to describe the process of community reintegration after stroke from the patients’ perspectives. Ten participants returning home from in-patient rehabilitation were interviewed at pre-discharge and at two weeks, three months, six months and one year post-discharge. Grounded theory methods as described by Corbin and Strauss were used to guide data collection and analysis and a process of community reintegration emerged. Gaining physical function was required for the participants to be discharged home. Establishing independence once home involved increasing the ability to be able to do activities without assistance and resuming control over their own lives. “Renegotiating” required the participants to learn to accept the consequences of stroke and their need for assistance. Building self-efficacy for community living occurred throughout the entire process and enabled participants to engage in activities and establish themselves within roles and relationships essential for reintegrating into community.



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