Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science




Dr. Brian Corneil

Second Advisor

Dr. Stefan Everling

Third Advisor

Dr. Paul Gribble


To further elucidate the role of the superior colliculus (SC) in the control of gaze, I recorded from neurons within the primate SC while altering head-on-body position. I rotated the torso under a head fixed in space to determine whether proprioceptive information from neck muscles affected gaze-related neural activity. 50 of 60 movement-related neurons showed movement-related activity that was linearly modulated as a function of head-on-body position, with an average change in discharge rate of 0.89 spikes per second per degree of body rotation. Many neurons with visual and delay activity also exhibited head-on-body position-dependant modulation. The results of this study suggest that the SC has access to proprioceptive information, and that this information may be transmitted to downstream brain centres that execute gaze shifts.



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