Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Computer Science


Dr. Kamran Sedig


Mathematical cognitive tools have the ability to extend our cognitive capabilities and bring reason and understanding to complex structures and concepts. Designing mathematical cognitive tools is complicated and there is a lack of investigation conducted in this area. A mathematical cognitive tool that incorporates many forms of interaction is introduced in this thesis. It is intended to support and enhance the knowledge gained from interacting with 3 dimensional structures. A comparison study is done to investigate how these interactive features support reasoning. We compare it to a Physical Manipulative and another mathematical cognitive tool that does not incorporate multiple forms of interaction. Our findings suggest that the tool incorporating multiple forms of interaction supports learners with their tasks more successfiιlly than the minimally interactive tool and even more than the actual physical manipulative. The study also provided insight into when to use and when not to use specific interaction techniques to support different tasks.



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