Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts


Visual Arts


Kelly Wood


The following thesis, entitled Can I borrow That? : Strategies of Inscription, Citation and Mimicry in Contemporary Art, investigates the current faction of artists working with strategies of citation, mimicry and inscription. In defining this environment I discuss the opposing positions founded in Nicolas Bourriaud’s text Postproduction: Culture as Screenplay: How Art Reprograms the World (2002) and Hal Foster’s text “An Archival Impulse” (2004). To account for the current use of appropriative strategies I argue for the conflation of postproduction and archival strategies within the context of a tertiary sector. In determining the tertiary sector as an environment built on recycling and reuse I outline the transfer of artistic, historical and cultural authority in the works of artist’s Robert Longo, Cerith Wyn Evans, Douglas Gordon and Tim Lee.



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