Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Nursing




The number of newcomer women and girls arriving to Canada from developing countries is rising. The critical narrative study explored how newcomer women’s and girls’ experiences shape and are shaped by their relationships with each other within their newcomer context. Seven ethno-culturally diverse mother-daughter dyads participated. Individual and dyadic analyses were conducted on narrative data collected from in-depth interviews. Findings revealed the desire for all participants to combine the positive attributes from Canadian society with the positive attributes from their traditional culture. However, their ability to achieve this goal was thwarted by a perceived pressure to assimilate to Canadian ways, with few, if any, supports available to maintain traditional cultural orientations. To reduce conflict and to help in their pursuit of the ‘best of both worlds’, a strong connection was formed between mothers and daughters. The findings demonstrate a need for research using participatory approaches, and efforts aimed at strengthening and supporting the mother-daughter relationship.



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