Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science




Dr. John Meyer

Second Advisor

Dr. Jane Howell


The primary purposes of the present research were to determine the interrelationships among transformational leadership (TFL), identification, and affective commitment (AC), and also to test whether identification mediates the relationship of TFL to AC at three different foci. The first mediation model tested a dyad focus, the second a work-group focus, and the third an organization focus. In each mediation model, TFL was entered as the predictor, followed by identification with the focus of interest as the mediator, and AC to the same focus as the criterion. Strong support was found for the direct relationships among all the study variables, and for the three mediation models tested. In addition this study investigated whether relationship-oriented TFL behaviours (i.e., intellectual stimulation and individualized consideration) were superior to group-oriented TFL behaviours (i.e., idealized influence and inspirational motivation), when predicting identification with the leader. This study also examined whether group-oriented TFL behaviours were superior to relationship-oriented TFL behaviours when predicting identification with the work-group and organization. No evidence was found for the relative superiority of individual TFL dimensions in predicting forms of identification. Implications and directions for future research are proposed.



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