Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts




Dr. Karen Danylchuk

Second Advisor

Dr. Darwin Semotiuk

Third Advisor

Dr. Jim Weese


The purpose of this qualitative study was to assess Sport Canada's Sport Funding and Accountability Framework (SFAF) from 1995-2004 within the context of four National Sport Organizations (NSOs). Using the Multiple Constituency model, the perceptions of 16 stakeholders (management staff, President, Sport Program Officer, athlete reps) were attained using interviews. Organizational effectiveness, accountability, and the effectiveness of the SFAF relative to NSO development were the areas of focus. Written documentation verified information expressed by interviewees. No significant differences in interviewee assessments of NSO effectiveness were found; however, differences in internal accountability processes and the quality of the accountability relationship shared with Sport Canada existed within NSOs relative to their funding category. The SFAF was deemed an effective tool, but negative implications such as competition between NSOs and a tendency towards accountancy were noted. Recommendations for NSOs, Sport Canada, the Canadian sport system, and future research are forwarded.



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