Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science




Dr. James Voogt

Second Advisor

Dr. Gordon McBean


This thesis investigates urban surface snow cover dynamics to assess their impact on spatial variations of net radiation (Q*). High resolution aerial photographs from 5 days were used to study the spatial and temporal variation of snow cover. Impervious surfaces exhibit the greatest degree of spatial and temporal variation in snow cover, while building roofs and grass show least variation. Radiative and turbulent source areas were modeled for tower positions in urban and suburban study areas. LUMPS (Grimmond and Oke, 2002) was used to model Q* in those source areas. Radiative source area representativeness was better for the urban study area. Spatial variations in Q* were most significant on dates with the most extensive snow cover. Sensitivity tests indicated large variations in Q* between radiative and turbulent source areas in the suburban study area that have the potential to impact urban energy balance assessment.



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