Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts




Dr. William Danaher


In this paper I argue that, understood theologically, reconciliation is both an accomplished, transacted fact and a progressively achieved, relational reality. Applied to South Africa, I argue that reconciliation was transacted in the negotiated end to apartheid and the peaceful transition of power, but that the relational aspect of reconciliation is still largely an aspiration, and that South Africa lives in the tension of the “already, but not yet”. Notwithstanding the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, I contend that South Africa has made little progress in relational reconciliation. I focus on two reasons for this: 1) a lack of repentance from perpetrators and beneficiaries of apartheid; and 2) a lack of progress in redressing apartheid injustices, particularly socio-economic justice. I propose that addressing these two deficiencies is key to greater reconciliation and that the Church, claiming to be the resurrection community, has a unique role to model a new, reconciled humanity.



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