Date of Award


Degree Type



Dr. Graham Wagner

Second Advisor

Dr. John Ciriello


Staiiniocalcin-I (STC-1) is made by kidney collecting duct cells for targeting of local nephron segments. Currently, we have a poor understanding of how renal STC-1 is regulated or its role in kidney function. The present study has addressed this issue by examining renal STC-1 πιRNA expression levels in different models of kidney function. Adult rats were subject to either unilateral nephrectomy, water deprivation, hypertonicity or hypovolemia. Renal STC-1 mRNA levels were then quantified using real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (qPCR). Water deprivation had time-dependent stimulatory effects on STC-1 mRNA expression in kidney cortex and inner medulla. Similarly, hypertonicity increased cortical mRNA levels; however, the inner medulla was unaffected. In contrast, hypovolemia increased mRNA levels in the inner medulla and suppressed them in the cortex. Collectively, the findings suggest a novel role for mammalian STC-1 in kidney function as it may aid in the regulation of extracellular fluid volume and tonicity.



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