Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Epidemiology and Biostatistics


Dr. Neville Suskin

Second Advisor

Dr. John Koval


Despite the demonstrated effectiveness of outpatient cardiac rehabilitation (CR) in addressing persisting heart hazards after acute care, typically only 20% of Ontarians participate. This study explores the impact of inpatient cardiac rehabilitation, an intervention focused on risk factor counselling and referral to outpatient CR, on postdischarge uptake of CR services. Subjects’ and physicians’ satisfaction with CR, subjects’ health related quality of life, anxiety and depression, and wait-times for CR intake were examined. Design: In this randomized control trial, control patients received usual inpatient cardiac care plus a group information session pre-discharge, and an automatic CR referral. Case patients received this care and individualized guidance from dieticians, kinesiologists and nurse case managers. Principal Findings: Results suggest that both treatment allocations have a beneficial effect on outpatient CR participation rates, patient satisfaction, patients’ HR-QoL and physical and mental functioning compared to historical controls. No important statistical differences were observed between groups.



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