Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science




Dr. Sean Shieh


Knowledge of plastic and elastic properties of multiphase aggregates under high pressures is of central importance for understanding dynamic processes within the Earth. In this study diamond anvil cell and radiai synchrotron X-ray diffraction technique along with lattice strain theory were used to study strength, equation of state, single crystal elastic moduli, stress-strain environment for individual phases of a two-phase mixture of NaCl and MgO (4:1 volume ratio) and for Au to 55.5 GPa. Results demonstrated that both MgO and NaCl exhibit different rheological behavior in a mixture compared with the single phase. The strength weakening of NaCl was found across the B1-B2 transition. The B1-B2 transition of NaCl was found to significantly affect strength of not only accompanying MgO but also Au which was not mixed with NaCl. Elasticity analysis confirmed that application of the elastic strain theory is valid only for materials that have not been deformed plastically.



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