Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science




Dr. Robert Litchfield

Second Advisor

Dr. Dianne Bryant

Third Advisor

Dr. Trevor Birmingham


Objective: In this study, the relation of eye dominance and hand dominance with club head speed and CPGA subjective ratings was investigated in novice golfers. The relation of prior hockey experience (shooting direction), and golf swing direction was also investigated in current golfers. Study Design: 2 Part Study. (1) Prospective Observation Swing Study, (2) Cross Sectional Survey of Golf Club Members. Methods: Study 1 - Thiry female, athletic, novice golfers, with little experience in swing related sports swung in both a right handed and left handed fashion. Eye dominance was determined using the Porta test and Miles test, hand dominance was determined by what hand the subject used for writing. Club head speed and CPGA subjective rating were used to determine if the golfers were more efficient with the dominant eye/hand closest or aft of the target. Study 2 - One hundred and twelve golfers were surveyed for hand dominance, swing direction, and hockey involvement to obtain a preliminary estimate of concordant and discordant golfers, and estimate the relation of hockey involvement on swing direction. Results: Study 1 - Club head speed was found to be significantly higher by 1.04 m/s (95%CI; 0.10 - 1.98), p = 0.03) when the dominant eye was aft of the target direction. Right hand dominant subjects were found to produce significantly higher club head speeds (1.44 m/s (95%CI; 0.58 - 2.30, p < 0.01) and significantly better CPGA subjective ratings when the dominant hand was aft of the target. Study 2 - In the survey, 88 golfers were right handed in swing direction, 24 were left handed in direction. Overall, 70% were concordant with their hand dominance, 30% were discordant. In addition, there seemed to be a relation with hockey shooting to subsequent golf swing direction. Right shooting hockey players (1 swung left; 24 swung right) mostly took up golf in the right swinging direction. Whereas, left shooting hockey players were swinging in both directions (17 swung left; 22 swung right). Conclusion: The swing study findings suggest that eye/hand dominance could have some influence on golf swing performance of novice golfing female athletes. Survey findings suggest that hockey shooting direction could influence subsequent golf swing direction, with there being a greater propensity of left shooting players switching to a right directed swing in golf.



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