Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts


Media Studies


Dr. Carole Farber

Second Advisor

Dr. Lynne McKechnie


With the work of critical pedagogy theorists Paolo Freire and Henry A. Giroux providing a theoretical foundation, this thesis will examine the youth television show and website to consider ways in which cross-media youth programming affords reflection, critical thinking or participation in civic life. As an interactive, issues-oriented youth series airing on APTN and several provincial education stations, fits into a Canadian tradition of educational and issues-oriented children’s and youth programming. By carrying out a textual analysis of the renegadepress, com television show and website, interviewing the creators/producers of renegadepress, com, observing as renegadepress, com was used in a Grade 8 classroom and interviewing classroom participants, and analysing website statistics and usage patterns, this research focuses, first, on the ways that renegadepress, com is designed and used as a hybrid of two media, and second, on how the cross-media format affects the pedagogy that offers. This research finishes with the conclusion that successfully invites reflection and dialogue about its issues, though it is not clear that this process of reflection leads to action toward change.



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