Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts




Dr. Harry Prapavessis

Second Advisor

Dr. Mary Jung

Third Advisor

Dr. Craig Hall


This study sought to examine the effects of a group-mediated cognitive- behavioural (GMCB) plus moderate or vigorous intensity exercise intervention on obese adolescent’s independent physical activity, social cognitions, body composition and fitness. Based on social cognitive theory and group dynamics, weekly GMCB sessions were designed to foster self-regulatory skills to engage in regular physical activity after intervention completion. Thirty-one obese adolescents (female = 19, BMI ≥ 95“ percentile; 10-16 years of age) were randomly assigned to either moderate (HRR = 40-55%) or vigorous (HRR = 6075%) supervised 12-week exercise training conditions. Outcomes were assessed at baseline, 6-, 13-weeks and 6-months. Regardless of exercise condition, participants engaged in more physical activity at 13-weeks and 6-months. Social cognitions and fitness improved similarly or were maintained for all participants regardless of exercise condition. These findings suggest that an exercise program enhanced with GMCB sessions can result in favourable outcomes in the treatment of childhood obesity.



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