Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Education




Dr. Elizabeth Nowicki


This study gave an opportunity for pre-service teachers to voice their beliefs and knowledge about the antecedents to bullying and to victimization. Concept mapping was used to analyze the data. The information yielded from interviews was clustered into themes according to sorting tasks completed by participants. Reg arding the antecedents to bullying and victimization, pre-service teachers had accurate and inaccurate beliefs, lack of knowledge, and differing beliefs about bullies and victims. Concept maps and accompanying factor rating tables indicated that participants believed important antecedents to bullying to include family factors, abuse, instability, and socioeconomic factors, school and academic factors, interpersonal factors, and personal factors. Results showed that important antecedents to victimization were social factors, physiological factors, school factors and exceptionalities, and family factors. Results may inform faculty of education and new-teacher program personnel of what knowledge on the antecedents to bullying and victimization pre-service teachers have, and what information about antecedents needs to be taught.



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