Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science




Dr. Beverly Leipert


The purpose of this secondary qualitative study is to examine rural women’s experiences with Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) use and factors that affect use. In the original study, twenty rural women from Southwest Ontario were interviewed to explore rural women’s use of prescription and non-prescription pharmaceuticals. In the research described here, qualitative secondary analysis methodology was used to answer new research questions distinct from the original study. Analysis of the original data has revealed the following findings: facilitators of CAM use, barriers to CAM use, facilitators and barriers to CAM use, comparing conventional medication use and CAM use, and evaluating effectiveness of CAM. Implications for nursing practice, education, and future research are noted. In conclusion, this study suggests that, because participants used CAM as an important health care choice, nurses and health care professionals need to consider CAM into their practice and education.



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