Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts


Visual Arts


Kim Moodie


This thesis proposes a model of syncope as a method of understanding one of the ways in which a viewer can be considered to interact with an artwork. I contend that the moment of syncope, enacted in the interaction between the material and the conceptual properties of an artwork, specifically painting, is representative of the relationship between the self and non-self of the individual. And that this relationship is in-turn paralleled by the relationship between the painter and their work, and the viewer and painting. By examining the relationship between the material and conceptual properties in the work of Peter Doig, I will demonstrate one of the ways in which syncope has been used to create successful paintings. Finally, I will discuss the paintings that constitute my thesis exhibition Eidolon Prospects, in order to demonstrate some of the ways in which syncope might be consciously manifest within painting.



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