Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science




Dr. William Fisher

Second Advisor

Dr. Elizabeth Hampson


The present study explored possible gender differences in young adult men’s and women’s experiences, beliefs, and concerns surrounding orgasm occurrence and non-occurrence during heterosexual intercourse, for the self and relationship partner, with a focus on lack of female coital orgasm, A two phase, mixed methods approach was utilized. Qualitative data were first collected through five male and five female focus group discussions. Next, to assess the prevalence and patterns of coital orgasm-related themes emerging from the focus group discussions, quantitative data were collected ..... through the creation and completion of a questionnaire by 89 male and 189 female undergraduates.. Although men and women share relatively similar concerns regarding lack of own and partner coital orgasm, they have.different priorities regarding coital . orgasm occurrence and do not fully, appreciate one another’s experiences and concerns.: Findings suggest foci for sexual education and therapy that relate to gender differences in Coitalexperiencesandperceptions.



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