Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Engineering Science


Chemical and Biochemical Engineering


Dr. Lauren Briens

Second Advisor

Dr. Cedric Briens


Fluidized bed drying was performed using various formulations of placebo granules and monitoring techniques. Granules were prepared in a high-shear mixer and dried in a conical fluidized bed dryer at various superficial gas velocities. Acoustic, vibration, pressure, and triboelectric measurements were analyzed using various statistical, frequency, fractal, and chaos techniques. Traditional monitoring methods were used as a reference. The granules were examined using a variety of instruments. These instruments measured a variety of granules properties and flow behaviour. Acoustic monitoring successfully detected attrition and particle entrainment from the bed. Vibration monitoring revealed information about the fluidization conditions within the dryer, and was sensitive to granule size and formulation. Triboelectric probe measurements were found to be formulation dependant. The measurements provided a promising monitoring method for formulations containing a large amount of lactose monohydrate. Granule characterization revealed information related to the differing flow behaviour of the granules during drying.



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