Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science




Dr. Scott Petrie

Second Advisor

Dr. Liana Zanette

Third Advisor

Dr. Bob Scott


Increase in harvester efficiency has raised concern that there has been a decrease in the quantity of waste corn available for waterfowl staging in northern areas. I conducted this study to evaluate seasonal changes in waste corn availability and nutritional quality, as well as field use by waterfowl near Long Point, Ontario. I found significant decreases in both waste corn density and nutritional quality between fall (initial) and spring (final) sampling periods. Waterfowl use of fields was not related to initial waste corn abundance; birds used fields based on physical characteristics. Currently, waste corn densities are potentially limiting to waterfowl during spring migration, as average spring waste corn density (62 kg/ha) was similar to waterfowl selection thresholds (60 kg/ha) reported in other studies. No-till farming and the development of biofuels may ensure sufficient waste corn density for fall and spring staging waterfowl in northern regions of North America.



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