Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Education




Dr. Katina Pollock

Second Advisor

Dr. Ellen Singleton


This study used a qualitative research methodology, in the form of a case study, to explore strategies leaders can use to successfully influence others with the purpose of creating measurable change. Influence strategies present during the September 15th, 2008 episode of The Oprah Winfrey Show, in which Winfrey successfully influenced millions of viewers to take action towards helping pass PROTECT Our Children Act ,U.S. Senate Bill 1738 are explored. In this study, leadership is understood as a property of the individual and that individual’s ability to influence others. Given the rate of change in the ever-advancing global climate forcing organizations to adapt; as well as, the observed benefits organizational change has on employees and the overall organization; an enormous need exists for leaders to become more effective at influencing change. This study offers new insight into strategies which present and aspiring leaders can use to successfully influence others.



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