Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Applied Mathematics


Dr. Hristo Sendov


The thesis is motivated by a problem concerning the monotonicity of insurance premiums with respect to their loading parameter: the larger the parameter, the larger the insurance premium is expected to be. This property, usually called loading monotonicity, is satisfied by premiums that appear in the literature. The increased interest in constructing new insurance premiums has raised a question as to what weight functions would produce loading-monotonic premiums. In this thesis we demonstrate a decisive role of log-supermodularity in answering this question. As a consequence, we establish - at a stroke - the loading monotonicity of a number of well- known insurance premiums and offer a host of further weight functions, and consequently of premiums, thus illustrating the power of the herein suggested methodology for constructing loading-monotonic insurance premiums.



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