Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts


Visual Arts


Dr. Kirsty Robertson


Containers of Electronic Art investigates the presence of material electronic artworks in different art institutional display environments by contemplating two questions. First, how does material electronic art function within different types of art institutional spaces? Second, what does this reveal about the space? In order to answer these questions, this thesis researches electronic artworks found in three case studies: the Agnes Etherington Art Centre and the Koffler Gallery, presented together to illustrate the traditional white cube; ZKM Centre for Art and Media’s Media Museum, an experimental space solely dedicated to exhibiting interactive and electronic art; and InterAccess Electronic Media Arts Centre, which employs both of the above exhibition styles. Through these case studies, this thesis concludes that it is difficult to adequately show electronic art in a white cube space. I recommend that material electronic artworks then be presented in an experimental space that is designed specifically for each artwork, encourages visitor interactivity, and works with or enhances the message of the techno- oriented artwork.



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