Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts


Visual Arts


David Merritt

Second Advisor

Susan Edelstein


This thesis examines the house as a simultaneous location of ease and dis-ease, familiarity and estrangement. With particular focus on architectural motifs and domestic space, it is proposed that there is potential for a compatible or even complementary relationship between a critical or reflective nostalgia and the Freudian uncanny. It is suggested that these two concepts function as potential doubles, and that through their pairing, a nuanced analytic space for examining the contradictions inherent in the homely and unhomely, as well as in notions of memory, is forged. This conceptual framework is further explored in relation to artistic practice, through focused analysis of Gregor Schneider’s Haus ur and Toba Khedoori’s architectural drawings.



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