
Sarah Yaremko

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Education




Dr. Alan Leschied


This study investigated the association of gender, externalizing and internalizing

behaviours, and treatment of aggressive female adolescents within a residential setting. Two hundred twenty five youth between the ages o f six and seventeen years (170 boys, 55 girls) were followed up to two years post-discharge from a residential treatment facility. The Brief Child and Family Phone Interview was used as an outcome measure of treatment efficacy. Upon admission, girls presented with higher levels of externalizing behaviours than boys while no difference was apparent for internalizing disorders. Overall, both males and females showed significant treatment gains with regards to both externalizing and internalizing disorders. Once preadmission scores were accounted for, there was no impact o f gender on treatment outcome. The implications o f these findings are discussed in terms of clinical significance and relevance to policy.



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