Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Epidemiology and Biostatistics


Dr. Mark Speechley


Objectives: To examine prevalence, changes and persistence of medication-use and potentially inappropriate medication-use at two time points in a sample of 176 participants of a falls-prevention program. Methods: Drug lists were formulated through in-person interviews. The Beers' Criteria were used to categorize medications as potentially inappropriate. Results: Mean age of the sample was 79 (SD=6.3) years (range 47-100 years). Nearly two-thirds took at least one cardiac medication. Over 40% took an antithrombotic medication. One-quarter took a prescription central nervous system medication and about one in ten took an over-the- counter pain medication. At baseline, 17.6% reported the use of at least one inappropriate medication which decreased to 13.6% by the second assessment. Conclusions: This small study demonstrates varied prevalence and persistence among drug classes examined. Use of inappropriate medication decreased, but, since follow-up did not continue past one year, the persistence of these changes after the falls-prevention program ceased is unknown.



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