Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Education




Dr. Derek Allison

Second Advisor

Dr. Jerry Paquette


This thesis explores the purposes of Islamic schools with specific reference to the London Islamic School [LIS] in London, Ontario. Drawing mainly on Ramadan’s (1999) integrative and post integrative framework and Coleman’s social capital theory, the thesis focuses on Ramadan’s question of how “milestones” can be provided which would help young Muslims find their way in the modem West. Using the key informant approach to gathering data, the researcher conducted a total of 27 interviews with current students, graduates of LIS, parents of current students, parents of graduates, teachers, administrators and board members. The findings led the researcher to conclude that the London Islamic school provides many “milestones” for Muslim youth to build a Canadian and Muslim identity in an environment that is conducive to Western and Islamic values and character, although not in a strongly systematic fashion.



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